Elaine Hoem
Elaine Hoem

Over the course of my life I have been a teacher, a music therapist and a psychotherapist. My psychotherapy work spanned 49 years. It has been my deep privilege to witness and serve countless people as they explore their lives, addictions and traumas and then to guide them in subsequent healing

My life and its challenges led me to ways of spiritual transformation. I have practiced Hatha yoga since 1970 and I have been a meditator since the ’80s. I am, above all, a spiritual seeker and, now, a writer and a transformational coach. In my personal life I consciously found ways to heal from traumas and physical illnesses. I use the knowledge I have gained personally and as a psychotherapist sharing what I know in compassionate ways with many others, individually and in retreats for groups. All these roles blend together in an impetus for soul searching and deep inner work to transform pain and brokenness into strength and recovery for myself and for others. Everyday Soul Dances are ways to continue this calling online and through transformational coaching, meditations and daily practices, all of which open all of us to our amazing spiritual possibilities.

I believe that each of us has a unique and vital role to play in this lifetime. However, as life has its way with us, it is easy to get stuck in lesser ways of living due to past karmas, genetic and familial conditions and traumatic events. Today we have endless ways to go beyond these limitations and more opportunities than ever to learn ways to come forth into our most expansive selves. When we access these higher parts of ourselves, we dissolve old conditioning and ancient karmas. This leads to greater healing and wholeness within each of us. Then we become beacons of love and joy for others.

I hope you will join me and others in finding your unique and vital Everyday Soul Dance.